Ryan Lannan
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Overall Rating
Based on 47 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.1 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (42)

3 of 5
3 of 5
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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: D
March 16, 2022

The class was really difficult. He would give the study guides about 3 days before the exams and he graded them so harshly that you have to have specific words in your answers to get the points. This class would be good if your taking it by itself since it’s a lot of work. Homework and quizzes were pretty manageable and he does offer 2% extra credit. But I would not take this class again since his lecture slides does have a lot of mistakes on them and the exams were graded wrongly.


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 10, 2022

Honestly, the people roasting professor lannan are just upset about their grade. This man is incredibly accommodating, like I have shown him mistakes and made criticisms and he LISTENS and truly makes changes. He is a super nice guy who was just put into a tough position this quarter.

He knows how to teach biochemistry, like this class honestly had very interesting material that was easy to understand once he broke it down. Yes you need to study for exams, but if you do that you will get a good grade.

The TAs of the class were the main problem tbh they did not know how to grade, but if you brought it to Lannan's attention he fixed it almost immediately.


5 4 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
Feb. 7, 2022

it is week 6 and i decided to drop this class. This is by far the worst class i ever took at UCLA, Lannan is the worst professor. poor lecturer, disrespectful, and very hard grader. he does not know how to teach and himself doesn't know the contents well as his slides are full of mistakes. the tests has nothing to do with what he teaches in class, extremely hard and very long. the homework are also hard and were harshly graded, he even deduct points for students who didn't assign pages to the grade scope. PLEASE LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR DON'T TAKE HIS CLASS


11 12 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: I
Feb. 16, 2022

Ryan Lannan is the worst professor I have ever taken at UCLA. It seems like he doesn't care of students and comes across as dismissive. I wish he was a lot more like Anish Nag. I was really looking forward to this class but now I dread it.


8 8 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: I
Feb. 15, 2022

hi I'm not taking his class but my roommate is and professor lannan has ruined her. she always cries now and when I ask why she just mutters "I want my tears to lan on lannan." he's really bad apparently, do not take him.


11 13 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 16, 2022

Y’all are being some pussies and are pissed that you didn’t get the grade you wanted. I’m assuming this is also because people are not used to in person exams anymore and are mad 80 percent of the class didn’t ace the midterm. If you study the right way and actually understand concepts rather than memorizing facts by putting in a little bit of time, you’ll do well in this class. Lannan is literally an amazing lecturer. He explains concepts extremely well and goes through things in different ways. Also he takes feedback very seriously and actually makes changes. He made midterm 2 a lot more reasonable then midterm 1 (MT2 average was a 89 and MT1 average was a 75, but that increased when he gave people points back). The only thing that is sometimes annoying is that his test asks “what term is used to describe this”. Even though I can explain the process being shown, he is looking for unreasonably specific answers that most people won’t think to write. Other than this, his study guides are literally so helpful and organizes his lectures. Gave 2 percent extra credit. I think he did an amazing job for first time teaching this class. I loved the class and would definitely recommend the professor.


3 2 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: NR
Feb. 6, 2022

Please do not take this class. The professor has no clue how to organize his class. He is very disorganized, messy, and unprofessional. I am seriously sad that UCLA has decided him as a professor for such a big class. He is not ready for teaching and educating students. Tough tests, harsh grading, unreasonable point deductions, unreasonable extra credit option (which of course you will not succeed to get the benefit), and...... He keeps saying sorry and sorry during lectures because he doesn't even know what is going on with his slides. He used Prof. Gobber's slides and information and is teaching based on them, therefore he has no idea what each slide is even talking about. When students ask him questions, he avoids answering them, and if he does, the majority of the time he does not know the answer. He keeps saying do not worry about it. BUT HEY I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I PAID TUITION TO LEARN !!! He is confused about simple math facts (which one is a bigger number from -1/5 and -1/3)???? I am seriously shocked how he became a professor. I do not even know why people disagreed with other comments, but he is not definitely someone you would like to take as he is a serious GPA and quarter ruiner.


12 15 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
Feb. 13, 2022

I thought that Lannan was a pretty engaging lecturer. It was sometimes all over the place but he was clear about what he wanted us to know and the extent to which he wanted us to know it. He also tried to explain a concept in more than one way to try and help students understand. Before midterms, he sends out a detailed study guide of everything we should know for the exam. So I thought the exams were very fair in terms of the questions reflecting the content that we learned. When a lot of people got marked off for not having specific key phrases in their answers on the first midterm, he went back and gave everyone some points back. He was also super helpful during office hours and always went over time to try and answer everyone’s questions. Overall, I think Lannan is a fair professor and I enjoyed the class!


6 7 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: I
March 16, 2022

I actually wanna thank Lannan for restoring my faith in God cause after taking this class, I never wanna go to hell again. Seriously the worst class I have ever taken at UCLA, avoid him if you can. Tests were graded so harshly, he expected us to read his mind or something. If you didn't use specific words you got the question wrong. He would even take off points on the homework if we didn't label PAGES correctly,,,he's just overall ridiculous. Dumped new content days before an exam, gave homework due right before/on exam dates...the list goes on. Also, the final was 4 weeks of new material + cumulative which is just way too much. I get he's a new professor but seriously this class ruined my gpa and mental health lol.


3 4 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 18, 2022

In writing this review I find myself conflicted. Ryan has, I think, the ability to lecture well, but his backwards attitude and disrespectful, ego-driven attitude prevents him from doing so. Please don't disregard all the negative reviews thus far and attribute them to spiteful pre-meds who got bad grades. I did well on Ryan's tests but still am able to see very clearly that he did not teach well or facilitate a friendly learning environment this quarter. And from what I heard from past students, this was not an isolated incident.

For some reason the debate on Ryan's abilities as a professor became polarized as the course went on, which is probably why there are so many impassioned reviews with wholly opposite outlooks. I have nothing against Ryan, and am judging him based solely on how well this course was structured/taught.

His tests were graded very harshly, especially when the questions did not lend themselves to such exact answers. He expected punctuality yet was late to classes, uploaded homework/study materials very late, and overall displayed an abhorrent lack of preparation. His leniency for aspects of the class relating to COVID were rigid and unforgiving (all my classes including a lab offered a fully hybrid option except this one).

That isn't to say that he never improved over the quarter. During the last few weeks, he seemed nicer and more understanding. BUT, I have a nagging suspicion that this was because he saw how negatively he was viewed and was hoping for better end-of-quarter reviews. He even gave us a ~5 min spiel during one of our lectures telling us to give him better scores than he deserved so that he could continue teaching (a sign of the times, maybe). So any improvement mentioned in these reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.

Also, he lives near me and lemme tell you, homie walks like a punk.


2 3 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: D
March 16, 2022

The class was really difficult. He would give the study guides about 3 days before the exams and he graded them so harshly that you have to have specific words in your answers to get the points. This class would be good if your taking it by itself since it’s a lot of work. Homework and quizzes were pretty manageable and he does offer 2% extra credit. But I would not take this class again since his lecture slides does have a lot of mistakes on them and the exams were graded wrongly.


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 10, 2022

Honestly, the people roasting professor lannan are just upset about their grade. This man is incredibly accommodating, like I have shown him mistakes and made criticisms and he LISTENS and truly makes changes. He is a super nice guy who was just put into a tough position this quarter.

He knows how to teach biochemistry, like this class honestly had very interesting material that was easy to understand once he broke it down. Yes you need to study for exams, but if you do that you will get a good grade.

The TAs of the class were the main problem tbh they did not know how to grade, but if you brought it to Lannan's attention he fixed it almost immediately.


5 4 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
Feb. 7, 2022

it is week 6 and i decided to drop this class. This is by far the worst class i ever took at UCLA, Lannan is the worst professor. poor lecturer, disrespectful, and very hard grader. he does not know how to teach and himself doesn't know the contents well as his slides are full of mistakes. the tests has nothing to do with what he teaches in class, extremely hard and very long. the homework are also hard and were harshly graded, he even deduct points for students who didn't assign pages to the grade scope. PLEASE LOOK SOMEWHERE ELSE. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR DON'T TAKE HIS CLASS


11 12 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: I
Feb. 16, 2022

Ryan Lannan is the worst professor I have ever taken at UCLA. It seems like he doesn't care of students and comes across as dismissive. I wish he was a lot more like Anish Nag. I was really looking forward to this class but now I dread it.


8 8 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: I
Feb. 15, 2022

hi I'm not taking his class but my roommate is and professor lannan has ruined her. she always cries now and when I ask why she just mutters "I want my tears to lan on lannan." he's really bad apparently, do not take him.


11 13 Please log in to provide feedback.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 16, 2022

Y’all are being some pussies and are pissed that you didn’t get the grade you wanted. I’m assuming this is also because people are not used to in person exams anymore and are mad 80 percent of the class didn’t ace the midterm. If you study the right way and actually understand concepts rather than memorizing facts by putting in a little bit of time, you’ll do well in this class. Lannan is literally an amazing lecturer. He explains concepts extremely well and goes through things in different ways. Also he takes feedback very seriously and actually makes changes. He made midterm 2 a lot more reasonable then midterm 1 (MT2 average was a 89 and MT1 average was a 75, but that increased when he gave people points back). The only thing that is sometimes annoying is that his test asks “what term is used to describe this”. Even though I can explain the process being shown, he is looking for unreasonably specific answers that most people won’t think to write. Other than this, his study guides are literally so helpful and organizes his lectures. Gave 2 percent extra credit. I think he did an amazing job for first time teaching this class. I loved the class and would definitely recommend the professor.


3 2 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: NR
Feb. 6, 2022

Please do not take this class. The professor has no clue how to organize his class. He is very disorganized, messy, and unprofessional. I am seriously sad that UCLA has decided him as a professor for such a big class. He is not ready for teaching and educating students. Tough tests, harsh grading, unreasonable point deductions, unreasonable extra credit option (which of course you will not succeed to get the benefit), and...... He keeps saying sorry and sorry during lectures because he doesn't even know what is going on with his slides. He used Prof. Gobber's slides and information and is teaching based on them, therefore he has no idea what each slide is even talking about. When students ask him questions, he avoids answering them, and if he does, the majority of the time he does not know the answer. He keeps saying do not worry about it. BUT HEY I NEED TO WORRY ABOUT IT BECAUSE I PAID TUITION TO LEARN !!! He is confused about simple math facts (which one is a bigger number from -1/5 and -1/3)???? I am seriously shocked how he became a professor. I do not even know why people disagreed with other comments, but he is not definitely someone you would like to take as he is a serious GPA and quarter ruiner.


12 15 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: N/A
Feb. 13, 2022

I thought that Lannan was a pretty engaging lecturer. It was sometimes all over the place but he was clear about what he wanted us to know and the extent to which he wanted us to know it. He also tried to explain a concept in more than one way to try and help students understand. Before midterms, he sends out a detailed study guide of everything we should know for the exam. So I thought the exams were very fair in terms of the questions reflecting the content that we learned. When a lot of people got marked off for not having specific key phrases in their answers on the first midterm, he went back and gave everyone some points back. He was also super helpful during office hours and always went over time to try and answer everyone’s questions. Overall, I think Lannan is a fair professor and I enjoyed the class!


6 7 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: I
March 16, 2022

I actually wanna thank Lannan for restoring my faith in God cause after taking this class, I never wanna go to hell again. Seriously the worst class I have ever taken at UCLA, avoid him if you can. Tests were graded so harshly, he expected us to read his mind or something. If you didn't use specific words you got the question wrong. He would even take off points on the homework if we didn't label PAGES correctly,,,he's just overall ridiculous. Dumped new content days before an exam, gave homework due right before/on exam dates...the list goes on. Also, the final was 4 weeks of new material + cumulative which is just way too much. I get he's a new professor but seriously this class ruined my gpa and mental health lol.


3 4 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 18, 2022

In writing this review I find myself conflicted. Ryan has, I think, the ability to lecture well, but his backwards attitude and disrespectful, ego-driven attitude prevents him from doing so. Please don't disregard all the negative reviews thus far and attribute them to spiteful pre-meds who got bad grades. I did well on Ryan's tests but still am able to see very clearly that he did not teach well or facilitate a friendly learning environment this quarter. And from what I heard from past students, this was not an isolated incident.

For some reason the debate on Ryan's abilities as a professor became polarized as the course went on, which is probably why there are so many impassioned reviews with wholly opposite outlooks. I have nothing against Ryan, and am judging him based solely on how well this course was structured/taught.

His tests were graded very harshly, especially when the questions did not lend themselves to such exact answers. He expected punctuality yet was late to classes, uploaded homework/study materials very late, and overall displayed an abhorrent lack of preparation. His leniency for aspects of the class relating to COVID were rigid and unforgiving (all my classes including a lab offered a fully hybrid option except this one).

That isn't to say that he never improved over the quarter. During the last few weeks, he seemed nicer and more understanding. BUT, I have a nagging suspicion that this was because he saw how negatively he was viewed and was hoping for better end-of-quarter reviews. He even gave us a ~5 min spiel during one of our lectures telling us to give him better scores than he deserved so that he could continue teaching (a sign of the times, maybe). So any improvement mentioned in these reviews should be taken with a grain of salt.

Also, he lives near me and lemme tell you, homie walks like a punk.


2 3 Please log in to provide feedback.
3 of 5
Overall Rating
Based on 47 Users
Easiness 2.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.0 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.2 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 3.1 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


There are no relevant tags for this professor yet.


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