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Sanjay Mohanty
Based on 13 Users
First off, Dr. Mohanty is a great teacher who emphasizes learning rather than grades. He provides a plethora of material to engage students and helps them learn, and he is incredibly understanding of the challenges presented by COVID 19 learning. He actually scanned in copies of the textbook to give out to students for free, something which I highly appreciated. Grading is extremely lenient.
However, I would say that to those not taken other similar courses I would say the material is taught in a unnecessarily confusing way. I took AOS 104 which covers much of the same material, but in a clearer way. This does not mean that I wouldn't take this class again- I really like Dr. Mohanty!- I would just push for people unfamiliar to the topic to read up before class as not to get confused.
I would like to give Professor Mohanty a better review because he is so nice and cares a lot, but he is just so unclear. His lectures are all over the place and really disorganized. I wouldn't say he is bad at teaching--he understands the subject matter well and can explain things decently, but he cannot organize information well. The class is a few homework assignments, quizzes, and exams. The quizzes are conceptual questions and can be kind of confusing. The exams are similar to questions we've seen before on the homeworks. I wouldn't say the class is hard, but there is a lot of material to understand in a short amount of time which is challenging.
Professor Mohanty really cares about his students and learning the topics included in environmental engineering. The class mostly focused on mass balancing, which I had no prior background in but that wasn't necessary. Professor Mohanty did a great job teaching the class, and I really felt as though I thoroughly learned the material by the end of the quarter. The exams and homework were fair, and I would take this class again with him.
Professor Mohanty is the most kind and generous professor that I have ever encountered and you should definitely take a class with him if you can. He prioritizes his students' well being above all, offers so many resources for help and understanding, and is super accommodating. Course was structured really well and gave a pretty good introduction to all the different areas of environmental engineering.
Professor Mohanty was really nice and definitely cared about all of us and our well-being. He was always telling us to eat lunch because he couldn't and the class was around lunch time, which I thought was cute. He's also very cautious of how much we need to spend, because he copied all of the textbook chapters and posted them on CCLE for us to read if we couldn't afford the textbooks.
However, the material was kinda difficult to understand and I was really struggling to complete the homework every week. Luckily our TA's were really nice and I basically had one TA to myself every Wednesday morning because her office hours was so early that no one else was ever there. Ms. Maryam was really nice too, very thankful for her.
The exams are based off of the homework, pretty much the exact same question with different numbers, and a couple conceptual things. The grading was extremely lenient, with as much partial credit given as possible. Probably more than I deserved to be honest. There are three quizzes and he drops the lowest one. At the end, I think he made sure everyone who turned stuff in passed, which was really nice of him.
Overall, a good class and I would take again, but preferably in person. He's a little hard to understand because he's got a pretty thick accent, but his lectures were still good.
I want to give this guy a good review, but I can't. Don't get me wrong, the class is pretty easy, but this guy is a disorganized mess. He consistently copied textbook example problems onto the slides incorrectly. Office hour hints were frequently wrong. Lectures are dull and disorganized. Tests are pretty straightforward, the questions are pretty much identical to practice exams he gives out. Very nice guy. Just not a good professor. If you're expecting to be taught something and not have to teach yourself, you're in the wrong place.
Professor Mohanty is definitely one of the kindest engineering professors I've been able to have. While he isn't totally clear on a lot of concepts, he always gives you plenty of time & opportunities to ask for help & is not a harsh grader. He's also typically down to give extensions if students need them & always asks us if we need more time on understanding something.
I am not an engineer and took this class due to my interest in the environment, so it was incredibly daunting when I found out that this class was a majority civil engineers. However, bless Professor Mohanty because he made the class straightforward and easy to understand even if you were a non-engineer. The class is not graded on a curve, so a vast majority of the class ends up with As in the class. There was only one midterm and one final and the average on the midterm was about 88%, which is extremely generous. We are also assigned weekly homework, but as long as you put in the effort, they boost your grade. TAs are super helpful and you do not have to attend the discussion section that you were assigned to.
Professor Mohanty cares a lot for student wellbeing and is very generous with providing help throughout the class from posting necessary course materials from the book to giving blessed homework extensions near the later parts of the quarter when things often tighten up for students. Lecture notes are hard to read with his handwriting but you can get by with comparing it to examples in the textbook and he posts lecture videos on Youtube if you can't make it to lecture.
First off, Dr. Mohanty is a great teacher who emphasizes learning rather than grades. He provides a plethora of material to engage students and helps them learn, and he is incredibly understanding of the challenges presented by COVID 19 learning. He actually scanned in copies of the textbook to give out to students for free, something which I highly appreciated. Grading is extremely lenient.
However, I would say that to those not taken other similar courses I would say the material is taught in a unnecessarily confusing way. I took AOS 104 which covers much of the same material, but in a clearer way. This does not mean that I wouldn't take this class again- I really like Dr. Mohanty!- I would just push for people unfamiliar to the topic to read up before class as not to get confused.
I would like to give Professor Mohanty a better review because he is so nice and cares a lot, but he is just so unclear. His lectures are all over the place and really disorganized. I wouldn't say he is bad at teaching--he understands the subject matter well and can explain things decently, but he cannot organize information well. The class is a few homework assignments, quizzes, and exams. The quizzes are conceptual questions and can be kind of confusing. The exams are similar to questions we've seen before on the homeworks. I wouldn't say the class is hard, but there is a lot of material to understand in a short amount of time which is challenging.
Professor Mohanty really cares about his students and learning the topics included in environmental engineering. The class mostly focused on mass balancing, which I had no prior background in but that wasn't necessary. Professor Mohanty did a great job teaching the class, and I really felt as though I thoroughly learned the material by the end of the quarter. The exams and homework were fair, and I would take this class again with him.
Professor Mohanty is the most kind and generous professor that I have ever encountered and you should definitely take a class with him if you can. He prioritizes his students' well being above all, offers so many resources for help and understanding, and is super accommodating. Course was structured really well and gave a pretty good introduction to all the different areas of environmental engineering.
Professor Mohanty was really nice and definitely cared about all of us and our well-being. He was always telling us to eat lunch because he couldn't and the class was around lunch time, which I thought was cute. He's also very cautious of how much we need to spend, because he copied all of the textbook chapters and posted them on CCLE for us to read if we couldn't afford the textbooks.
However, the material was kinda difficult to understand and I was really struggling to complete the homework every week. Luckily our TA's were really nice and I basically had one TA to myself every Wednesday morning because her office hours was so early that no one else was ever there. Ms. Maryam was really nice too, very thankful for her.
The exams are based off of the homework, pretty much the exact same question with different numbers, and a couple conceptual things. The grading was extremely lenient, with as much partial credit given as possible. Probably more than I deserved to be honest. There are three quizzes and he drops the lowest one. At the end, I think he made sure everyone who turned stuff in passed, which was really nice of him.
Overall, a good class and I would take again, but preferably in person. He's a little hard to understand because he's got a pretty thick accent, but his lectures were still good.
I want to give this guy a good review, but I can't. Don't get me wrong, the class is pretty easy, but this guy is a disorganized mess. He consistently copied textbook example problems onto the slides incorrectly. Office hour hints were frequently wrong. Lectures are dull and disorganized. Tests are pretty straightforward, the questions are pretty much identical to practice exams he gives out. Very nice guy. Just not a good professor. If you're expecting to be taught something and not have to teach yourself, you're in the wrong place.
Professor Mohanty is definitely one of the kindest engineering professors I've been able to have. While he isn't totally clear on a lot of concepts, he always gives you plenty of time & opportunities to ask for help & is not a harsh grader. He's also typically down to give extensions if students need them & always asks us if we need more time on understanding something.
I am not an engineer and took this class due to my interest in the environment, so it was incredibly daunting when I found out that this class was a majority civil engineers. However, bless Professor Mohanty because he made the class straightforward and easy to understand even if you were a non-engineer. The class is not graded on a curve, so a vast majority of the class ends up with As in the class. There was only one midterm and one final and the average on the midterm was about 88%, which is extremely generous. We are also assigned weekly homework, but as long as you put in the effort, they boost your grade. TAs are super helpful and you do not have to attend the discussion section that you were assigned to.
Professor Mohanty cares a lot for student wellbeing and is very generous with providing help throughout the class from posting necessary course materials from the book to giving blessed homework extensions near the later parts of the quarter when things often tighten up for students. Lecture notes are hard to read with his handwriting but you can get by with comparing it to examples in the textbook and he posts lecture videos on Youtube if you can't make it to lecture.