Stephen Cauley
Most Helpful Review
I took MGMT 180 with Cauley (Real Estate Finance) and it was hands down the most rewarding class I've taken so far. If you're looking to improve your excel skills, presentational skills, and understanding of the real estate industry, TAKE THIS CLASS. Looking at Cauley's bruinview ratings before I took the class made me a little apprehensive. It also took about 5 weeks to warm up to the guy but he makes himself extremely available and is genuinely concerned about his students' futures (sends op ed articles via email and continuously follows up with you about career aspirations). If you do well in his course and impress him, he will be happy to write a rec letter for you. Overall, highly recommended class and professor.
I took MGMT 180 with Cauley (Real Estate Finance) and it was hands down the most rewarding class I've taken so far. If you're looking to improve your excel skills, presentational skills, and understanding of the real estate industry, TAKE THIS CLASS. Looking at Cauley's bruinview ratings before I took the class made me a little apprehensive. It also took about 5 weeks to warm up to the guy but he makes himself extremely available and is genuinely concerned about his students' futures (sends op ed articles via email and continuously follows up with you about career aspirations). If you do well in his course and impress him, he will be happy to write a rec letter for you. Overall, highly recommended class and professor.
Most Helpful Review
Poster boy for all that's wrong with UCLA's hiring/tenure decision process. I suffered through his Econ 101A (undergrad upper division core) course in the 1990s. When asked to demonstrate a concept by doing an example problem, he would just say "my job is to teach the concepts." Really? When I returned to UCLA for my MBA at Anderson a few years later, I was dismayed to see his sorry ass wandering the halls.
Poster boy for all that's wrong with UCLA's hiring/tenure decision process. I suffered through his Econ 101A (undergrad upper division core) course in the 1990s. When asked to demonstrate a concept by doing an example problem, he would just say "my job is to teach the concepts." Really? When I returned to UCLA for my MBA at Anderson a few years later, I was dismayed to see his sorry ass wandering the halls.
Most Helpful Review
I took MGMT 180 Real Estate Finance with Cauley last Fall. The class was relatively easy and almost everyone got great grades. There is a midterm, final, and several group projects along the way. The group projects serve as a studying tool for the exams, so I would recommend leading the group projects instead of just following along. Most importantly, I have the book in mint condition from fall quarter and I would like to sell it to you! (old tests availalble w/ purchase)
I took MGMT 180 Real Estate Finance with Cauley last Fall. The class was relatively easy and almost everyone got great grades. There is a midterm, final, and several group projects along the way. The group projects serve as a studying tool for the exams, so I would recommend leading the group projects instead of just following along. Most importantly, I have the book in mint condition from fall quarter and I would like to sell it to you! (old tests availalble w/ purchase)