Tananarive Due
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - - Class graded work: 6 blogposts, 1 midterm, 1 final project - Midterm was multiple choice and 2 mini essays, and included content from the first half of the quarter. Given that you've read/watched everything, it's really easy. - Blogposts were min. 400 words about anything discussed during the week it is due. Super simple. - Final project was about anything you want, could be an essay or a self-directed film about Black Horror.
Fall 2020 - - Class graded work: 6 blogposts, 1 midterm, 1 final project - Midterm was multiple choice and 2 mini essays, and included content from the first half of the quarter. Given that you've read/watched everything, it's really easy. - Blogposts were min. 400 words about anything discussed during the week it is due. Super simple. - Final project was about anything you want, could be an essay or a self-directed film about Black Horror.