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- Terence Tao
- MATH 246A
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His lectures are super thorough and insightful, and his lecture notes are textbook quality. He also didn't give any exams. But, this class was a lot of work. The homeworks always took >10 hours to complete (he admitted himself that he assigns a “non-trivial amount of homework”), and the final assignment is a 5-10 page paper that also can take quite long, especially if you choose a topic you're not very familiar with. I would overall recommend taking this class, and you will learn a lot, but be prepared to spend a lot of time on assignments.
His lectures are super thorough and insightful, and his lecture notes are textbook quality. He also didn't give any exams. But, this class was a lot of work. The homeworks always took >10 hours to complete (he admitted himself that he assigns a “non-trivial amount of homework”), and the final assignment is a 5-10 page paper that also can take quite long, especially if you choose a topic you're not very familiar with. I would overall recommend taking this class, and you will learn a lot, but be prepared to spend a lot of time on assignments.
Based on 1 User
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