Tim Groeling
Most Helpful Review
I took the 151 course (instead of the political science based one that was concurrently offered) because I noticed this course really gives you the option to pick your grade. Seriously, the homework assignments are fairly simple (and even fun, if you pick the right ones), and the tests are straightforward. He does count attendance in the grade, but there are assignments to make up points lost and each class is only half a point. Overall, I preferred having the ability to essentially pick my grade based on how much time I was willing to put in. I got an A and never felt overwhelmed by this class. As for his general teaching style, Professor Groeling has a sense of humor typical of the computer nerd--thus, the topic of this 151 class. Anyway, it makes him more fun to follow along with because he connects computer complications to personal examples of both himself and classmates who volunteer. I am really not a computer person, so this made it easier and simpler for me to learn. As mentioned in other posts, he does indeed post slides and podcasts, and yes, they are very useful. But I noticed with each exam he attempted to ask more questions that might be easier (or only possible) to answer if you had attended lecture or really listened closely to the podcast. Overall, he really tries to make the study of modern technology communication more personal. Yes, you talk about Facebook in this class. And he can be fun if you let it be. Remain open to his humor and you're golden.
I took the 151 course (instead of the political science based one that was concurrently offered) because I noticed this course really gives you the option to pick your grade. Seriously, the homework assignments are fairly simple (and even fun, if you pick the right ones), and the tests are straightforward. He does count attendance in the grade, but there are assignments to make up points lost and each class is only half a point. Overall, I preferred having the ability to essentially pick my grade based on how much time I was willing to put in. I got an A and never felt overwhelmed by this class. As for his general teaching style, Professor Groeling has a sense of humor typical of the computer nerd--thus, the topic of this 151 class. Anyway, it makes him more fun to follow along with because he connects computer complications to personal examples of both himself and classmates who volunteer. I am really not a computer person, so this made it easier and simpler for me to learn. As mentioned in other posts, he does indeed post slides and podcasts, and yes, they are very useful. But I noticed with each exam he attempted to ask more questions that might be easier (or only possible) to answer if you had attended lecture or really listened closely to the podcast. Overall, he really tries to make the study of modern technology communication more personal. Yes, you talk about Facebook in this class. And he can be fun if you let it be. Remain open to his humor and you're golden.
Most Helpful Review
I love Prof. Groeling! His humor is very entertaining. He also tries to make the class as engaging as possible through in class exercises. I think that he assigns way to much reading to possibly ever read, especially since the print is really small and some of the articles are terrible. But overall I thought the class was really interesting. And it is absolutely adorable how much he loves his wife and family.
I love Prof. Groeling! His humor is very entertaining. He also tries to make the class as engaging as possible through in class exercises. I think that he assigns way to much reading to possibly ever read, especially since the print is really small and some of the articles are terrible. But overall I thought the class was really interesting. And it is absolutely adorable how much he loves his wife and family.
Most Helpful Review
Great guy. Very funny and used effective analogies. He reminds me of Conan O'Brien!! HOWEVER, you have no idea what direction the class is going as far as the upcoming exam-the final (no midterm in this class). He keeps you busy with all these assignments that are unrelated to the lectures in their practicality, for example: he has you make 2 commercials that take a about 6-10 hours each on a political candidate using some computer program at the IMPL lab, etc. By the time it gets near the final, you are expected to know about 800 pages worth of stuff altogether on political strategies of the media, different branches of gov't, etc. You are moving in two different directions in the quarter and you have no idea what you're supposed to know or be studying for until he lays it on you about a week before the final. You CAN NOT slack on the reading, there is NO WAY you can catch up at the end of the quarter. If you lose control of the readings, I advise you to drop the class or accept that you might get lucky and get away with a B if you study 24/7 the week before the final. He is very personable and cool but I would not recommend this class unless it's a major requirement you need to fulfill to graduate.
Great guy. Very funny and used effective analogies. He reminds me of Conan O'Brien!! HOWEVER, you have no idea what direction the class is going as far as the upcoming exam-the final (no midterm in this class). He keeps you busy with all these assignments that are unrelated to the lectures in their practicality, for example: he has you make 2 commercials that take a about 6-10 hours each on a political candidate using some computer program at the IMPL lab, etc. By the time it gets near the final, you are expected to know about 800 pages worth of stuff altogether on political strategies of the media, different branches of gov't, etc. You are moving in two different directions in the quarter and you have no idea what you're supposed to know or be studying for until he lays it on you about a week before the final. You CAN NOT slack on the reading, there is NO WAY you can catch up at the end of the quarter. If you lose control of the readings, I advise you to drop the class or accept that you might get lucky and get away with a B if you study 24/7 the week before the final. He is very personable and cool but I would not recommend this class unless it's a major requirement you need to fulfill to graduate.
Most Helpful Review
overall, he's an easy professor. his lectures are quite boring and he spends a lot of time talking about stuff that don't concern the class and he tries to be funny and fails most of the time. and you have to go to class to get credit. there were 3 exams (including the final), attendance points, a project (fairly easy if you spend the good amount of time on it) and some extra points. it was a pretty easy class and somewhat interesting.
overall, he's an easy professor. his lectures are quite boring and he spends a lot of time talking about stuff that don't concern the class and he tries to be funny and fails most of the time. and you have to go to class to get credit. there were 3 exams (including the final), attendance points, a project (fairly easy if you spend the good amount of time on it) and some extra points. it was a pretty easy class and somewhat interesting.
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2020 - I took this honors section as an SRP (it's a fake news research lab). The first few weeks we read and summarized scholarly articles about fake news, then the rest of the quarter we looked back at flagged fake news websites from 2016. Not too much work and a good opportunity to get to know Professor Groeling who is so nice.
Fall 2020 - I took this honors section as an SRP (it's a fake news research lab). The first few weeks we read and summarized scholarly articles about fake news, then the rest of the quarter we looked back at flagged fake news websites from 2016. Not too much work and a good opportunity to get to know Professor Groeling who is so nice.