
Victoria Marks

Overall Ratings
Based on 11 Users
Easiness 2.7 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.6 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 5.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (11)

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Dec. 13, 2009
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Vic taught me soo much.
Thanks a lot!


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Dec. 4, 2017
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A-

If you are an incoming dance major, you will probably end up taking Dance 1 with Vic. I actually enjoyed this class because I can confidently say I learned a lot about Dance in a broader context. My one complaint is that Vic would end up changing several of the essay prompts days before the essays were due... Luckily they were short, 2 page essays, but if you like to get ahead like myself, this was slightly inconvenient. I would take this class again!


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Nov. 3, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A

Every week, it is focused on one big question. There is a panel that comes in Tuesday and we talk about that one big question. The first half is talking with one guest speaker and the second half there is about two-four people talking about that one subject. On Wednesday, you have to write a response of how you learned/ how you felt about the question. On Thursday, you have to respond to one classmate. On Friday, you meet with your TA and you discuss as a small group about that week. There's something called "Make Art" where you can make something, take photos, etc. to present for the week's big question. There is one midterm and one final. The class overall is pretty relaxing but since the class is long, it often gets tiring. Some topics that we talked about was what is the university, what is love, what is justice, what is truth.


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Dec. 26, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

THIS IS THE BEST CLASS FOR AN UPPER DIVISION REQUIREMENT OR GE. If you can somehow manage to fit it into your schedule, you should definitely take it. You get such a wide range of perspectives on well-known topics. This class will likely be discontinued because UCLA is stupid and wants their students to have more rigorous GE courses in their coursework, but if this class is still around, it's like a loophole. You learn so much and the coursework is very light. If you don't attend lecture, then that could lose you the easy A. But if you do all the coursework and attend, then you're good. Pretty much, all you have to do is post two 200-300 word response on CCLE's forum per week. And they aren't graded aside from your participation, so feel free to state your thoughts freely on the topic. There is one new topic per week like, "What is love?" or "What is knowledge?" so you can provide your opinion there. There is two group projects that occur throughout the quarter. I think they are weighted like 15% a piece, and all you have to do is make art on a topic. Then there are two essays, but those are just a longer version of the forum where you just write what you feel about a topic and BOOM you're done. I'm a huge fan of the Arts & Arc department because I took Arts & Arc 10 Fall 2018, and I can safely say that those two classes have been my favorites at UCLA. They were the only classes were I felt excited to go to class, and it didn't feel like a hassle. It made me feel like my opinion was valued, and the pressure of homework was absent thank goodness. Like the homework we had to do in this class did not feel like homework. I really wish more GEs took after the style of this class. If I could give a little constructive feedback, I would note that the masterclass and lecture is quite long. I would say making the masterclass an hour rather than an hour and a half would be a lot more engaging. I'm interested to find out what other questions will be asked next year, and I'm very thankful I took this class.


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March 23, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Vic made this class absolutely perfect for everyone. There were no outside assignments just occasion practice suggestions. There are discussion posts due every week (1 post and 2 responses). Besides that, all you need to do is show up to class and be prepared to explore the world of dance. I would definitely take any of her classes again.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 13, 2009

Vic taught me soo much.
Thanks a lot!


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A-
Dec. 4, 2017

If you are an incoming dance major, you will probably end up taking Dance 1 with Vic. I actually enjoyed this class because I can confidently say I learned a lot about Dance in a broader context. My one complaint is that Vic would end up changing several of the essay prompts days before the essays were due... Luckily they were short, 2 page essays, but if you like to get ahead like myself, this was slightly inconvenient. I would take this class again!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A
Nov. 3, 2019

Every week, it is focused on one big question. There is a panel that comes in Tuesday and we talk about that one big question. The first half is talking with one guest speaker and the second half there is about two-four people talking about that one subject. On Wednesday, you have to write a response of how you learned/ how you felt about the question. On Thursday, you have to respond to one classmate. On Friday, you meet with your TA and you discuss as a small group about that week. There's something called "Make Art" where you can make something, take photos, etc. to present for the week's big question. There is one midterm and one final. The class overall is pretty relaxing but since the class is long, it often gets tiring. Some topics that we talked about was what is the university, what is love, what is justice, what is truth.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 26, 2019

THIS IS THE BEST CLASS FOR AN UPPER DIVISION REQUIREMENT OR GE. If you can somehow manage to fit it into your schedule, you should definitely take it. You get such a wide range of perspectives on well-known topics. This class will likely be discontinued because UCLA is stupid and wants their students to have more rigorous GE courses in their coursework, but if this class is still around, it's like a loophole. You learn so much and the coursework is very light. If you don't attend lecture, then that could lose you the easy A. But if you do all the coursework and attend, then you're good. Pretty much, all you have to do is post two 200-300 word response on CCLE's forum per week. And they aren't graded aside from your participation, so feel free to state your thoughts freely on the topic. There is one new topic per week like, "What is love?" or "What is knowledge?" so you can provide your opinion there. There is two group projects that occur throughout the quarter. I think they are weighted like 15% a piece, and all you have to do is make art on a topic. Then there are two essays, but those are just a longer version of the forum where you just write what you feel about a topic and BOOM you're done. I'm a huge fan of the Arts & Arc department because I took Arts & Arc 10 Fall 2018, and I can safely say that those two classes have been my favorites at UCLA. They were the only classes were I felt excited to go to class, and it didn't feel like a hassle. It made me feel like my opinion was valued, and the pressure of homework was absent thank goodness. Like the homework we had to do in this class did not feel like homework. I really wish more GEs took after the style of this class. If I could give a little constructive feedback, I would note that the masterclass and lecture is quite long. I would say making the masterclass an hour rather than an hour and a half would be a lot more engaging. I'm interested to find out what other questions will be asked next year, and I'm very thankful I took this class.


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
March 23, 2022

Vic made this class absolutely perfect for everyone. There were no outside assignments just occasion practice suggestions. There are discussion posts due every week (1 post and 2 responses). Besides that, all you need to do is show up to class and be prepared to explore the world of dance. I would definitely take any of her classes again.


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