
Yevgenya Shevtsov

Overall Ratings
Based on 26 Users
Easiness 3.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 3.3 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (26)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Sept. 26, 2021
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+

Jane is super sweet and funny. She is the only professor that genuinely made an effort to help students get to know each other during covid that I had. The group project was really fun and interesting. The tests were quite easy if you payed attention to what she said.


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Feb. 1, 2022
Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+

Dr. Jane is wonderful! The topics covered in LS30B are a bit more complicated than concepts in LS30A, especially when you get to chaos. Labs aren't too difficult as long as you remember the stuff you learned in LS30A (you can always go back and read your old CoCalc files anyways). The class structure is interesting but I feel like it works; one lecture a week introduces new content and the other lecture is a Q&A session for clarification. Homework isn't too bad, most of the time I completed it the day it was due (do not recommend). The midterm and final exam were both online over a 24-hour period, so there was plenty of time to complete the work. The exams weren't bad at all, I felt like they were fair but challenging. Overall, the class isn't difficult as long as you do the homework. Minimal work is required outside of the homework. Dr. Jane hosts study sessions for the exams that are very helpful, so please go to them if you'd like to do well on the tests!


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April 4, 2022
Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A

Jane is a good professor however, I think her classes are much better when they are confined to zoom and not in person. I spent the first five weeks online, and the second five in person and it made the world of a difference. I aced the content that was taught online but struggled a lot with the content that was taught in person. The in person lectures can often be incredibly slow, confusing, and chaotic. Jane has a speech impairment which makes it really difficult to understand her in a massive lecture hall. 90% of the time the mic was set too low to understand her regardless. She's also physically unable to write on the whiteboard, so an LA did it. Our LA often wrote wrong things on the board, or would write so incredibly slow that it was hard to focus on taking down notes from him and listen to Jane at the same time. The zoom environment was much less distracting, and her slides were so helpful.

Homework was extremely overbearing and annoying. The textbook didn't provide enough information to help you figure out how to solve it, so I often put down stuff that I made up. It was graded based on completion, so as long as you put in the effort, you should be fine.

Labs were also pretty hard. The first 2 weeks or so is spent on nailing down basic concepts of coding and then it progresses into harder LS 30A related coding. I frankly thought it was ridiculous that they thought a coding language could be taught that fast. Try your best on the labs and try to find a partner to do it with because those are graded on correctness. However, the Lab Practical in Week 10 is extremely easy, and is only tested on coding material up to about week 5. Its an easy 100 and also an easy way to boost your grade.

Her problem solving sessions are AMAZING. I would highly recommend attending them before the midterm and the final as she lays out everything clearly and you often don't have to study those concepts again because it'll become so clear. The midterm was extremely easy for me, but the final was super hard and confusing. Be sure to practice the practice tests that she gives out as the structure remains the same for most tests.

Overall, Jane is not a bad choice but if you can get it with someone better, I would go for them. I'm in a 30B class this quarter with another teacher and its a complete 180 (in a better way). Good luck!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Sept. 26, 2021

Jane is super sweet and funny. She is the only professor that genuinely made an effort to help students get to know each other during covid that I had. The group project was really fun and interesting. The tests were quite easy if you payed attention to what she said.


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Feb. 1, 2022

Dr. Jane is wonderful! The topics covered in LS30B are a bit more complicated than concepts in LS30A, especially when you get to chaos. Labs aren't too difficult as long as you remember the stuff you learned in LS30A (you can always go back and read your old CoCalc files anyways). The class structure is interesting but I feel like it works; one lecture a week introduces new content and the other lecture is a Q&A session for clarification. Homework isn't too bad, most of the time I completed it the day it was due (do not recommend). The midterm and final exam were both online over a 24-hour period, so there was plenty of time to complete the work. The exams weren't bad at all, I felt like they were fair but challenging. Overall, the class isn't difficult as long as you do the homework. Minimal work is required outside of the homework. Dr. Jane hosts study sessions for the exams that are very helpful, so please go to them if you'd like to do well on the tests!


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Quarter: Winter 2022
Grade: A
April 4, 2022

Jane is a good professor however, I think her classes are much better when they are confined to zoom and not in person. I spent the first five weeks online, and the second five in person and it made the world of a difference. I aced the content that was taught online but struggled a lot with the content that was taught in person. The in person lectures can often be incredibly slow, confusing, and chaotic. Jane has a speech impairment which makes it really difficult to understand her in a massive lecture hall. 90% of the time the mic was set too low to understand her regardless. She's also physically unable to write on the whiteboard, so an LA did it. Our LA often wrote wrong things on the board, or would write so incredibly slow that it was hard to focus on taking down notes from him and listen to Jane at the same time. The zoom environment was much less distracting, and her slides were so helpful.

Homework was extremely overbearing and annoying. The textbook didn't provide enough information to help you figure out how to solve it, so I often put down stuff that I made up. It was graded based on completion, so as long as you put in the effort, you should be fine.

Labs were also pretty hard. The first 2 weeks or so is spent on nailing down basic concepts of coding and then it progresses into harder LS 30A related coding. I frankly thought it was ridiculous that they thought a coding language could be taught that fast. Try your best on the labs and try to find a partner to do it with because those are graded on correctness. However, the Lab Practical in Week 10 is extremely easy, and is only tested on coding material up to about week 5. Its an easy 100 and also an easy way to boost your grade.

Her problem solving sessions are AMAZING. I would highly recommend attending them before the midterm and the final as she lays out everything clearly and you often don't have to study those concepts again because it'll become so clear. The midterm was extremely easy for me, but the final was super hard and confusing. Be sure to practice the practice tests that she gives out as the structure remains the same for most tests.

Overall, Jane is not a bad choice but if you can get it with someone better, I would go for them. I'm in a 30B class this quarter with another teacher and its a complete 180 (in a better way). Good luck!


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