Yongjie Hu
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - This is one of the more difficult engineering classes I have taken so far, but thankfully the professor is always willing to help and truly goes the extra mile. He set aside a fifteen minute block for every student to meet with him towards the end of the course for questions and feedback, which is a lot of time if you add up all the students. The only issues I really had was that the class was mostly asynchronous this quarter, but the professor did the best he could in the situation. Would definitely recommend!
Winter 2022 - This is one of the more difficult engineering classes I have taken so far, but thankfully the professor is always willing to help and truly goes the extra mile. He set aside a fifteen minute block for every student to meet with him towards the end of the course for questions and feedback, which is a lot of time if you add up all the students. The only issues I really had was that the class was mostly asynchronous this quarter, but the professor did the best he could in the situation. Would definitely recommend!
Most Helpful Review
Spring 2017 - Honestly, the professor isn't even that bad. The class though-the class is a Kafkaesque nightmare of busywork, unclear instructions, useless material, aging equipment (they use computers running Windows 95! your tuition dollars at work...), and did I mention the bulk of your grade is tied to group reports? A student desiring to do well in this class must do so at the cost of participating in more worthwhile activities, because the amount of crap you have to deal with will blot out the sun. Prepare for long nights spent doing the mental equivalent of digging holes in the ground and filling them in, with the added knowledge that you're going deeper into student loan debt for the privilege to do so. This class is proof that the MAE department does not care about the quality or relevance of undergraduate education. As you perform monotonous tests abandoned by industry decades ago and contemplate just ending it all while sifting through the garbage heap of meaningless data, remember this warning and don't complain that nobody told you It'd be THIS bad.
Spring 2017 - Honestly, the professor isn't even that bad. The class though-the class is a Kafkaesque nightmare of busywork, unclear instructions, useless material, aging equipment (they use computers running Windows 95! your tuition dollars at work...), and did I mention the bulk of your grade is tied to group reports? A student desiring to do well in this class must do so at the cost of participating in more worthwhile activities, because the amount of crap you have to deal with will blot out the sun. Prepare for long nights spent doing the mental equivalent of digging holes in the ground and filling them in, with the added knowledge that you're going deeper into student loan debt for the privilege to do so. This class is proof that the MAE department does not care about the quality or relevance of undergraduate education. As you perform monotonous tests abandoned by industry decades ago and contemplate just ending it all while sifting through the garbage heap of meaningless data, remember this warning and don't complain that nobody told you It'd be THIS bad.