Zeynep Korkman
Department of Women's Studies
Overall Rating
Based on 21 Users
Easiness 4.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Would Take Again
  • Participation Matters
  • Tolerates Tardiness

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

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Reviews (17)

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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 26, 2021

This is one of the easiest GEs I've taken and surprisingly informative too! The professor and all the TAs were extremely kind and understanding. I would highly recommend this if you want an easy class and have even the slightest interest in learning more about gender.

For Winter 2021, there were no exams - only weekly assignments which were 1.5 to 2 page double-spaced essays reflecting on the materials for that week (documentaries, articles, textbook readings). They took the top 6 scores out of 9 total essays, which meant you could skip some weeks. I never watched the prerecorded lectures since they were not mandatory. 90% of the grade was these weekly essays and 10% was participation, which meant simply showing up to discussion for my TA.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 13, 2021

I took this class Fall 2020. Her lectures were pre-recorded and they weren't mandatory (I didn't watch them). There are no exams. Your grade is based on 6 weekly reflections that are based on the weekly readings. They are 10 points each, 2 pages long, double spaced, and are graded by your TA. Discussion attendance is mandatory since participation makes up the other part of your grade. Discussion was interesting since you talk about the weekly readings. Overall, this was a very easy class and I would recommend it.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 23, 2020

Fairly easy GE, definitely interesting content! All of her lectures are pre recorded and although they serve as good background info, notes aren't really required since the grading scheme is 90% weekly reflections (only 6 of these weekly reflections are graded but you can submit up to 9). My TA jessica required quotes from the readings/documentary for the weekly reflection. She was a bit slow on grading but pretty generous in the beginning as we all got our bearings. The workload isn't too bad most of the time. The documentaries are pretty interesting, you can watch the lectures on 2x unless you really want to quote it, and some of the readings are dense but overall good stuff to learn. Discussion section is mandatory since attendance and participation via group discussion posts count for 10% of your grade. It's possible to get all the work done for one week of the class in one day if you're productive, too.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 22, 2020

Loved it and def recommend!! I took this as an incoming first year and was scared given that it was my first quarter and everything was online, but this class is not only super easy but sooo interesting. Other people have been leaving comments about how hard the prof is to understand, but honestly it didn't matter too much because your grade is based on how you condense the weekly readings and documentaries as opposed to what the prof is saying. I didn't think it was at all a huge barrier so I really wouldn't worry about the prof being unclear. She's also super sweet and beyond willing to help you during office hours. your grade in this class is based on 6 weekly reflections that are graded by the TA, no final or midterm. Honestly everything we learned in this class is so applicable to daily life and just so eye opening in general. Made me consider a minor in gender studies, super great course and no textbook purchases needed!!!


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
March 9, 2022

I feel like it was an open space to discuss anything. Korkman was very helpful with her lectures and the discussions were pretty simple. There are reflections you have to write, but they offer help to make sure you receive the best possible grade. Her and TA Ebony are queens!! They just want their students to engage in the course and get an A :) I just took this for a GE and it was light work


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 25, 2021

TAKE THIS CLASS! If you are at all interested in gender and how it intersects with other aspects of identity and culture, this class is a great choice. I really enjoyed the structure of this class and wished other classes would be more like it. There were no tests, meaning there was no midterm and no final. We basically just submitted a reflection of the content (one and a half to two pages, double spaced) every week. The lectures were pre-recorded and, while they were really interesting and helpful, they weren't required for the reflections. What you did need to discuss in the reflections were the articles and the documentaries. The assigned articles weren't tedious at all and, in my opinion, were super eye-opening. It would generally only take me a few hours to get through the content for the week and write my reflection. Also, the three lowest-graded reflections (out of nine) were dropped so it gave students choice as to whether or not they wished to write a reflection that week or not. My advice would be to do all of the reflections though because there were instances where my TA docked points off of one reflection but I wouldn't know until a week or two later. As for discussions, I think they vary from section to section but the way my TA structured it was by splitting the discussion section into break-out rooms. Before she assigned us to break-out rooms, my TA would pose one or two questions about that week's content and we would come up with the answer while in the break-out room. However, there were some weeks where the entire section would discuss together; it all really depended on what the students were comfortable with that day. The TA's and the professor are incredibly helpful and are there for you if you have any questions. Overall, I think this was a great class and I would definitely recommend it!


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 22, 2021

This class was really easy and interesting, I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for an easy GE. There are no exams and you only have to turn in weekly reflection papers which are graded by your TA. So your grade depends on your TA's grading style. The reflection paper was about the lectures, readings, and documentaries. I found most of the documentaries interesting but some of the readings were difficult to understand. The lectures are prerecorded so you can watch them whenever you want, or you don't have to watch them at all. Discussion is mandatory because 10% of your grade is based on participation but it wasn't so bad, as long as you attend the discussions I think you'll be fine.


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2021

Very easy class, interesting material! Lectures are prerecorded, so the level of engagement really depends on your TA. My discussion sections were often painfully silent but section participation is quite a marginal part of your overall grade. No assessments, only short reflections on the week's lecture/readings/documentary.


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Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 9, 2021

I would recommend this class to anyone looking for an interesting, practical GE, especially if you are into gender studies, activism, and are concerned with social issues! I learned a lot from this class. I really enjoyed the readings and documentaries and thought they were well worth the time and very relevant. The discussion sections were great too, I really enjoyed hearing people share their thoughts/perspectives on course material. There were no exams, only weekly reflection papers–so not a heavy workload! It's nice to learn something useful and not have to stress too much about the class. :)

The only downside is that, unfortunately, the lectures were more on the unengaging side. The professor speaks monotonously, and although she is very kind and knowledgeable, it's hard to focus on her lecture videos. However, I did really like the selection of materials she gave us to study as well as the topics she chose to cover over this course!


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Feb. 17, 2021

This class was very interesting, and a great introduction to the field of Gender Studies.
- Professor Korkman uses recorded lectures (at least she does during lockdown) - - lectures are usually 2-2.5 hours in length
- most weeks include watching a documentary 1-2.5 hours in length
- all weeks have 1-2 readings which range between 10-20 pages
- the only assignments for this class are a 2-3 page essay compiling the knowledge gained from the readings, lectures, and documentary
- these papers are due at the beginning of the week
- no midterm/exams
- overall workload is not too bad


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A+
March 26, 2021

This is one of the easiest GEs I've taken and surprisingly informative too! The professor and all the TAs were extremely kind and understanding. I would highly recommend this if you want an easy class and have even the slightest interest in learning more about gender.

For Winter 2021, there were no exams - only weekly assignments which were 1.5 to 2 page double-spaced essays reflecting on the materials for that week (documentaries, articles, textbook readings). They took the top 6 scores out of 9 total essays, which meant you could skip some weeks. I never watched the prerecorded lectures since they were not mandatory. 90% of the grade was these weekly essays and 10% was participation, which meant simply showing up to discussion for my TA.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Feb. 13, 2021

I took this class Fall 2020. Her lectures were pre-recorded and they weren't mandatory (I didn't watch them). There are no exams. Your grade is based on 6 weekly reflections that are based on the weekly readings. They are 10 points each, 2 pages long, double spaced, and are graded by your TA. Discussion attendance is mandatory since participation makes up the other part of your grade. Discussion was interesting since you talk about the weekly readings. Overall, this was a very easy class and I would recommend it.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Dec. 23, 2020

Fairly easy GE, definitely interesting content! All of her lectures are pre recorded and although they serve as good background info, notes aren't really required since the grading scheme is 90% weekly reflections (only 6 of these weekly reflections are graded but you can submit up to 9). My TA jessica required quotes from the readings/documentary for the weekly reflection. She was a bit slow on grading but pretty generous in the beginning as we all got our bearings. The workload isn't too bad most of the time. The documentaries are pretty interesting, you can watch the lectures on 2x unless you really want to quote it, and some of the readings are dense but overall good stuff to learn. Discussion section is mandatory since attendance and participation via group discussion posts count for 10% of your grade. It's possible to get all the work done for one week of the class in one day if you're productive, too.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A+
Dec. 22, 2020

Loved it and def recommend!! I took this as an incoming first year and was scared given that it was my first quarter and everything was online, but this class is not only super easy but sooo interesting. Other people have been leaving comments about how hard the prof is to understand, but honestly it didn't matter too much because your grade is based on how you condense the weekly readings and documentaries as opposed to what the prof is saying. I didn't think it was at all a huge barrier so I really wouldn't worry about the prof being unclear. She's also super sweet and beyond willing to help you during office hours. your grade in this class is based on 6 weekly reflections that are graded by the TA, no final or midterm. Honestly everything we learned in this class is so applicable to daily life and just so eye opening in general. Made me consider a minor in gender studies, super great course and no textbook purchases needed!!!


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A
March 9, 2022

I feel like it was an open space to discuss anything. Korkman was very helpful with her lectures and the discussions were pretty simple. There are reflections you have to write, but they offer help to make sure you receive the best possible grade. Her and TA Ebony are queens!! They just want their students to engage in the course and get an A :) I just took this for a GE and it was light work


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 25, 2021

TAKE THIS CLASS! If you are at all interested in gender and how it intersects with other aspects of identity and culture, this class is a great choice. I really enjoyed the structure of this class and wished other classes would be more like it. There were no tests, meaning there was no midterm and no final. We basically just submitted a reflection of the content (one and a half to two pages, double spaced) every week. The lectures were pre-recorded and, while they were really interesting and helpful, they weren't required for the reflections. What you did need to discuss in the reflections were the articles and the documentaries. The assigned articles weren't tedious at all and, in my opinion, were super eye-opening. It would generally only take me a few hours to get through the content for the week and write my reflection. Also, the three lowest-graded reflections (out of nine) were dropped so it gave students choice as to whether or not they wished to write a reflection that week or not. My advice would be to do all of the reflections though because there were instances where my TA docked points off of one reflection but I wouldn't know until a week or two later. As for discussions, I think they vary from section to section but the way my TA structured it was by splitting the discussion section into break-out rooms. Before she assigned us to break-out rooms, my TA would pose one or two questions about that week's content and we would come up with the answer while in the break-out room. However, there were some weeks where the entire section would discuss together; it all really depended on what the students were comfortable with that day. The TA's and the professor are incredibly helpful and are there for you if you have any questions. Overall, I think this was a great class and I would definitely recommend it!


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 22, 2021

This class was really easy and interesting, I would definitely recommend it if you're looking for an easy GE. There are no exams and you only have to turn in weekly reflection papers which are graded by your TA. So your grade depends on your TA's grading style. The reflection paper was about the lectures, readings, and documentaries. I found most of the documentaries interesting but some of the readings were difficult to understand. The lectures are prerecorded so you can watch them whenever you want, or you don't have to watch them at all. Discussion is mandatory because 10% of your grade is based on participation but it wasn't so bad, as long as you attend the discussions I think you'll be fine.


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Quarter: Fall 2021
Grade: A+
Dec. 21, 2021

Very easy class, interesting material! Lectures are prerecorded, so the level of engagement really depends on your TA. My discussion sections were often painfully silent but section participation is quite a marginal part of your overall grade. No assessments, only short reflections on the week's lecture/readings/documentary.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: N/A
April 9, 2021

I would recommend this class to anyone looking for an interesting, practical GE, especially if you are into gender studies, activism, and are concerned with social issues! I learned a lot from this class. I really enjoyed the readings and documentaries and thought they were well worth the time and very relevant. The discussion sections were great too, I really enjoyed hearing people share their thoughts/perspectives on course material. There were no exams, only weekly reflection papers–so not a heavy workload! It's nice to learn something useful and not have to stress too much about the class. :)

The only downside is that, unfortunately, the lectures were more on the unengaging side. The professor speaks monotonously, and although she is very kind and knowledgeable, it's hard to focus on her lecture videos. However, I did really like the selection of materials she gave us to study as well as the topics she chose to cover over this course!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Feb. 17, 2021

This class was very interesting, and a great introduction to the field of Gender Studies.
- Professor Korkman uses recorded lectures (at least she does during lockdown) - - lectures are usually 2-2.5 hours in length
- most weeks include watching a documentary 1-2.5 hours in length
- all weeks have 1-2 readings which range between 10-20 pages
- the only assignments for this class are a 2-3 page essay compiling the knowledge gained from the readings, lectures, and documentary
- these papers are due at the beginning of the week
- no midterm/exams
- overall workload is not too bad


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 21 Users
Easiness 4.5 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 3.6 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Uses Slides
  • Appropriately Priced Materials
  • Would Take Again
  • Participation Matters
  • Tolerates Tardiness

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