
Nedda Mehdizadeh

Overall Ratings
Based on 44 Users
Easiness 3.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (44)

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March 29, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+

The workload is tremendous and will force you to devote a lot of time to her assignments. Her many assignments are sometimes tedious and you can expect to write 2 writing assignments per week, which can get quite annoying and difficult to finish especially when you must complete other class assignments. Not a lot of reading though.
I feel that her grading of these assignments are quite lenient though so I guess that's nice.

The lectures are engaging and informative, but there is not much organization to these lectures. Attendance is mandatory and she'll fail you if you're absent multiple times w/o a valid excuse. Participation is also an exceptional chunk of your grade.

To get an A in the class, make sure you devote time into her assignments and approach them with an open mind. Often times, for her assignments, she'll allow you to explore different perspectives and encourage you to go outside your bubble.

Neat class overall if you don't care about grades or workload. Workload wise, the class is killer.


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March 29, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

The guy below describes the class pretty clearly. I couldn't get an A without the extra credit, so that's pretty much a good thing. But overall, I feel very agonized throughout this quarter. She scared me from the first assignment till the end. And I literally don't know what's the meaning of her lecture. But she's very nice person during conference, though she never offers concrete suggestions to my essays.


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May 7, 2018
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A

I took this class as an engineer in order to satisfy the English requirement, and choosing Mehdizadeh as the professor was the best decision I have made with respect to choosing my classes. She is by far the best. She is extremely helpful. She plans out the entire quarter and hands you a syllabus that serves as a calendar for you to be aware of what is due and when it is due. Everything is submitted on CCLE. You could essentially complete all the essays by the second week of class, and just revise as time passes. She does not grade anything until the final drafts are due at the end of the quarter, which is great because it allows for you to have ample time to ask her to revise or stuff like that. This leads me into my next point of her being very open to making appointments with her students to revise and/or answer questions. The work load is moderate to high; however, if you stay on top of it, submit rough drafts on time, and put a little effort into taking her recommendations for revising to heart, you will most definitely be guaranteed an A. I passed the class with over a 100% thanks to her extra credit essay. She doesn't give A+'s, though. If you have the chance, don't hesitate to take Mehdizadeh!


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May 15, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A

Mehdizadeh is a great professor. Albeit somewhat opinionated at times, she is very organized and helpful, and very critical during class discussions, helping to facilitate a truly academic dialouge. She gives detailed essay help during conferences and is very clear about what she expects from students, and is not the harshest grader. If you need assistance, she will be there to guide you along. 5W was quite a nice class because of this and I definitely recommend taking it with her. As long as you try, and care about the material, you shouldn't have much of a problem getting an A. The grade distribution doesn't lie.


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June 24, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A-

I would truly recommend this class to fulfill your writing II requirement. The professor is very helpful and as long as you do your work you will get an A.


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July 1, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A

I really enjoyed this class. My friends who only took comp 3 said they had at least 4 essays and it had a lot of reading, but Mehdizadeh didn't work that way. She assigned readings for us to annotate and small research assignments, but I wouldn't complain about the HW load. Also she only had 2 essays for the whole quarter, none of which revolved around reading a book beforehand. It revolved around diversity of course. My favorite was that she gave us kinda a lot of freedom. There was a prompt but since it was vague, we were able to weave it and it let us write about stuff we wanted to research. Anyways she is really willing to help you and if you can, take this with her! (especially 3D, so much better than 3 b/c it fulfills the diversity requirement)


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July 8, 2018
Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A-

Dr. Mehdizadeh is a very friendly and engaging proffessor. The entire class is based on Shakespeare's Othello, and is actually pretty interesting. However do not be fooled, its a lot of work. If you are willing to do the work though, highly recommend Dr. Mehdizadeh.


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Dec. 21, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A

Taking this class with Dr. Mehdizadeh was the best choice I have ever made! Dr. Mehdizadeh is a great lecturer, funny teacher, and always available to help you. She moves around her own schedule often to meet with students. The workload is a bit heavy, but not too difficult. You have three main papers — 2 page, 5-7 page, and your final project. And journals (250 words) that are due weekly. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED, and the textbook is also required (but it’s cheap, but I recommend finding a PDF for it instead). Dr. Mehdizadeh is also incredibly funny and super intelligent and passionate in what she teaches. Take this class with her!!!


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June 21, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-

What can I say? Mehdizadeh is awesome! She presents engaging topics during class and just let's the students really discuss and flesh them out. She provided us with topics before class and made us turn in a 250-word reflection journal on the topic, allowing us to get some thoughts stirring before we came in to discuss. The workload was kind of heavy, but it never felt like work for me. Don't take this class if you can't adapt to new ideas or respectfully debate with your peers, as that's the entire premise of this course.


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June 23, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Professor Mehdizadeh is definitely one of the most helpful professors I have had at UCLA, and she definitely shows that she cares more about student learning than assigning grades. She is willing to help you with literally anything about writing (and helping you emotionally when you are absolutely freaking out about writing, haha). While she is really empathetic and uplifting, she is always absolutely honest with her opinions and has HIGH expectations for her students and heightens those expectations over the course of the quarter.

Another word of warning, the workload, as many reviewers suggest below, is intense. While the workload is generally consistent throughout the quarter, the first two weeks are the most difficult since you are getting used to her assignments and the amount of work she assigns. A few of my classmates and I definitely spent three-four hours every other day doing homework for the class because there is a bit of a learning curve to the assignments. Despite the workload and readings, you never feel like you're necessarily wasting your time because you definitely improve as a result.

I'd definitely recommend Professor Mehdizadeh's class! While the class is undoubtedly tough, you learn quite a bit, and even though I was stressed out for a lot of my quarter with her class, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A+
March 29, 2018

The workload is tremendous and will force you to devote a lot of time to her assignments. Her many assignments are sometimes tedious and you can expect to write 2 writing assignments per week, which can get quite annoying and difficult to finish especially when you must complete other class assignments. Not a lot of reading though.
I feel that her grading of these assignments are quite lenient though so I guess that's nice.

The lectures are engaging and informative, but there is not much organization to these lectures. Attendance is mandatory and she'll fail you if you're absent multiple times w/o a valid excuse. Participation is also an exceptional chunk of your grade.

To get an A in the class, make sure you devote time into her assignments and approach them with an open mind. Often times, for her assignments, she'll allow you to explore different perspectives and encourage you to go outside your bubble.

Neat class overall if you don't care about grades or workload. Workload wise, the class is killer.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
March 29, 2018

The guy below describes the class pretty clearly. I couldn't get an A without the extra credit, so that's pretty much a good thing. But overall, I feel very agonized throughout this quarter. She scared me from the first assignment till the end. And I literally don't know what's the meaning of her lecture. But she's very nice person during conference, though she never offers concrete suggestions to my essays.


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A
May 7, 2018

I took this class as an engineer in order to satisfy the English requirement, and choosing Mehdizadeh as the professor was the best decision I have made with respect to choosing my classes. She is by far the best. She is extremely helpful. She plans out the entire quarter and hands you a syllabus that serves as a calendar for you to be aware of what is due and when it is due. Everything is submitted on CCLE. You could essentially complete all the essays by the second week of class, and just revise as time passes. She does not grade anything until the final drafts are due at the end of the quarter, which is great because it allows for you to have ample time to ask her to revise or stuff like that. This leads me into my next point of her being very open to making appointments with her students to revise and/or answer questions. The work load is moderate to high; however, if you stay on top of it, submit rough drafts on time, and put a little effort into taking her recommendations for revising to heart, you will most definitely be guaranteed an A. I passed the class with over a 100% thanks to her extra credit essay. She doesn't give A+'s, though. If you have the chance, don't hesitate to take Mehdizadeh!


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Quarter: Spring 2017
Grade: A
May 15, 2018

Mehdizadeh is a great professor. Albeit somewhat opinionated at times, she is very organized and helpful, and very critical during class discussions, helping to facilitate a truly academic dialouge. She gives detailed essay help during conferences and is very clear about what she expects from students, and is not the harshest grader. If you need assistance, she will be there to guide you along. 5W was quite a nice class because of this and I definitely recommend taking it with her. As long as you try, and care about the material, you shouldn't have much of a problem getting an A. The grade distribution doesn't lie.


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A-
June 24, 2018

I would truly recommend this class to fulfill your writing II requirement. The professor is very helpful and as long as you do your work you will get an A.


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Quarter: Fall 2017
Grade: A
July 1, 2018

I really enjoyed this class. My friends who only took comp 3 said they had at least 4 essays and it had a lot of reading, but Mehdizadeh didn't work that way. She assigned readings for us to annotate and small research assignments, but I wouldn't complain about the HW load. Also she only had 2 essays for the whole quarter, none of which revolved around reading a book beforehand. It revolved around diversity of course. My favorite was that she gave us kinda a lot of freedom. There was a prompt but since it was vague, we were able to weave it and it let us write about stuff we wanted to research. Anyways she is really willing to help you and if you can, take this with her! (especially 3D, so much better than 3 b/c it fulfills the diversity requirement)


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Quarter: Spring 2018
Grade: A-
July 8, 2018

Dr. Mehdizadeh is a very friendly and engaging proffessor. The entire class is based on Shakespeare's Othello, and is actually pretty interesting. However do not be fooled, its a lot of work. If you are willing to do the work though, highly recommend Dr. Mehdizadeh.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: A
Dec. 21, 2018

Taking this class with Dr. Mehdizadeh was the best choice I have ever made! Dr. Mehdizadeh is a great lecturer, funny teacher, and always available to help you. She moves around her own schedule often to meet with students. The workload is a bit heavy, but not too difficult. You have three main papers — 2 page, 5-7 page, and your final project. And journals (250 words) that are due weekly. ATTENDANCE IS REQUIRED, and the textbook is also required (but it’s cheap, but I recommend finding a PDF for it instead). Dr. Mehdizadeh is also incredibly funny and super intelligent and passionate in what she teaches. Take this class with her!!!


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A-
June 21, 2019

What can I say? Mehdizadeh is awesome! She presents engaging topics during class and just let's the students really discuss and flesh them out. She provided us with topics before class and made us turn in a 250-word reflection journal on the topic, allowing us to get some thoughts stirring before we came in to discuss. The workload was kind of heavy, but it never felt like work for me. Don't take this class if you can't adapt to new ideas or respectfully debate with your peers, as that's the entire premise of this course.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
June 23, 2019

Professor Mehdizadeh is definitely one of the most helpful professors I have had at UCLA, and she definitely shows that she cares more about student learning than assigning grades. She is willing to help you with literally anything about writing (and helping you emotionally when you are absolutely freaking out about writing, haha). While she is really empathetic and uplifting, she is always absolutely honest with her opinions and has HIGH expectations for her students and heightens those expectations over the course of the quarter.

Another word of warning, the workload, as many reviewers suggest below, is intense. While the workload is generally consistent throughout the quarter, the first two weeks are the most difficult since you are getting used to her assignments and the amount of work she assigns. A few of my classmates and I definitely spent three-four hours every other day doing homework for the class because there is a bit of a learning curve to the assignments. Despite the workload and readings, you never feel like you're necessarily wasting your time because you definitely improve as a result.

I'd definitely recommend Professor Mehdizadeh's class! While the class is undoubtedly tough, you learn quite a bit, and even though I was stressed out for a lot of my quarter with her class, I wouldn't have it any other way.


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